Being IMMIGRANT™ carries tremendous significance. We bring with us experiences, perspectives, and an unwavering drive to succeed. We are the embodiment of the human spirit's audacity to dare to dream and the determination to make it a reality.

In todays globalized world the lines between cultures and communities are becoming even more blurred, Ad campaigns are more inclusive than ever, diversity, equity and inclusion are departments in every major company, and social movements for silenced voices are birthed over-night through connections made possible on social media. That is the power of immigrants.

Being immigrant not only means accepting an ambiguous definition of home; it's about creating a new paradigm of what it means to not just exist but thrive in an environment not welcome to you. By embracing our identity, we reclaim our power to break free from the constraints of circumstance. We carry within us the power to shape stories and write narratives larger than us.

Together, let us build a world where being an outsider is not a label, but a symbol of pride and resilience, empathic understanding, and the relentless pursuit of dreams.

Some things are worth uncompromising on.

For us, our brand commitments are a few of them. This is why we show up.


We stand confident in everything we are and everything we are not. We know that the things that set us apart are the very things that add value to the world. We find strength in our individuality to be unapologetically ourselves and remain humbly grounded. We show up everyday to persevere past hardships because through our resilience we will create a place at the table previously uninvited to.


Being immigrant stresses the importance of maintaining a higher standard of awareness across local and multi-national issues. We navigate considering everyone around us beyond our own immediate social and cultural understanding. We are driven by empathy and tolerance for others, honesty and integrity within ourselves, and compassion and social responsibility in the absence of recognition.


We facilitate, encourage, and engage in meaningful dialogue with the intent to understand. In the absence of rigid thinking, we lead with empathy toward others' feelings to welcome new ideas within ourselves. We find comfort in ambiguity to fight confirmation bias and remain curious. All to create a world without prejudice.


We find our power in education because through it we find opportunity previously unavailable to us. Education empowers us to overcome barriers, paving the way towards a brighter future. We seek it first for ourselves and then for our clients to break past barriers allowing us to shape our own identities and defy preconceived notions. Recognizing that knowledge is a privilege that only a select few can afford— we seize every chance to acquire wisdom and grow.

Our Team

  • Andrew Fuentes


    After over five years of working experience at Apple, maintaining the Apple brand across New York and California Andrew found Immigrants in 2023.

  • Eva Merkle


    With a background in NGO Project Management, Eva lends her experiences to build brands who drive mission driven goals.

Work with us.

Graphic designer, project managers, animators; if you’ve got a passion for storytelling we’d love to talk to you.

We serve businesses. Everywhere.

Headquartered in Williamsburg, BK, we facilitate workshops in-person or online.